Sunday, August 1, 2010

My Amazing Husband - Day 7

Hi Love Dare Ladies

This is my first time blogging so I hope I am doing this right. I want to start out by saying that I am learning and be challenged by all your comments. I have always felt that it is impossible to grow in your faith outside of community. You ladies have enriched my faith in so many ways but mainly through the way you live your lives.

None of us have perfect marriages but I assume we all have a few "hard" lessons learned to share. Although I think I am older than all of you, I have only been married 5 years...the second time. I still feel like a newlywed and appreciate the many blessings Jeff has brought into my life. As I was doing today's lesson and writing down the positive and negative attributes of my husband I was amazed that my positives were 17 and my negative were only 6. This made me realize again how blessed I am but also how criticial (days 1-6!) I definitely focus too much on the 6 and not enough on the 17.

I asked Megan the other day if "helpful suggestions" are the same as criticisms. She said that helpful suggestions are probably not PC for Love Dare..ouch...Oh well, I'm just being helpful...or controlling or selfishly wanting him to meet more of my expectations.

As I journaled this morning, God reminded me how much I have changed for the better since being married to Jeff. His kindness and content spirit have made me more kind and content.

1 Timothy 6:6 - "True religion with contentment is great wealth." I love this verse and have been meditating on it since yesterday...feeling wealthy. If you get a chance look up the verses for Day 6. Most are very familiar with powerful messages.

Jeff's humble, nonjudgemental spirit and the way he looks for the best in people has made me stop and think before I move forward with negative attitudes and words.

Of course, my husband has his faults but just like Elizabeth said in her first blog about making the love dare challenge a habit that stays with us, I want to stay focused as long as possible on the positive.

Humerous aside: Day 5's challenge of asking our husbands to list 3 things that irritate them about us was hard to do without giving away our 40 day secret. About mid day I could tell I was doing something to get on his nerves so I asked him if I irritate him. With a playful grin on his face he said "only when you try and you are trying now." I hope to "get in the habit" of trying less.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if our marriages could stay in the honeymoon stage forever...looking at and for the best in each other. I look forward to continuing to learn more life & marriage lessons from you all.



  1. hmmmmm...yep - those 'helpful suggestions' get me in trouble all the time too. always learn so much from your authenticity and wisdom suzanne. thanks for taking me again back to scripture this afternoon...i can never read these morsels enough...i need those words to fill my mind rather than all those thoughts that sabotage my loving...

  2. love you my suzanne! when this 40 days is over please promise to show Jeff this great entry.
